Shintani Wealth Management SErvices

Our Philosophy

A behind-the-scenes look at how we help you achieve the goals you once thought were impossible.

Working with
Shintani Wealth Management Services

Fee-only financial advisor

We charge a tiered fee for a personalized plan tailored to your goals, including strategies for investing, saving, and debt reduction based on assets under management. Your success is our success.

Custom financial planning

A good financial advisor removes the guesswork from enjoying your life and creates a plan that lets you spend your money guilt-free. You need an advisor who understands the value of your hard-earned money and works diligently to ensure you can enjoy it. As fiduciaries, we prioritize your best interests above all.

Goals-based investing

Goals-based investing lets you enjoy life today while staying on course for tomorrow. Each goal you invest for—whether it’s travel, private school, or retirement—includes a glide path that reduces risk as you approach the time you need the funds.

Investment Philosophy

Shintani Wealth Management Services remains steadfast in investment principles that are consistent and effective. In an age where people face more distractions than ever, our time-tested methodology keeps your investments on track over the long term.

As the saying goes, “time in the market beats timing the market.”

Historically, many financial advisors profited by pushing “exclusive” investments onto unsuspecting clients. That era has passed. We focus on establishing a solid investment strategy for you—and then ensuring it stays in place. We base our approach on the core principles of behavioral finance, which simply means we don’t let you become your own worst enemy.

We automate your monthly contributions, leveraging dollar-cost averaging to maximize your investment strategy (the “buy low, sell high” concept you often hear about).

We rebalance your portfolio when it’s no longer aligned with it’s targets so that your portfolio doesn’t become too risky or too conservative and stays aligned with your goals.

We gradually reduce your portfolio’s risk over time based on your goals and risk tolerance—this is our edge.

And most importantly, we prevent emotional decision-making.

Wall Street often tells you what to invest in without understanding your goals, leading to investing for the sake of investing—which is essentially gambling. Knowing the difference between investing and gambling is what separates those who are satisfied from those who are disappointed with their investment outcomes.

Planning Philosophy

We balance your lifestyle with your future

We help you strike a balance with your current lifestyle while planning for your mid- and long-term goals, all without significant compromise.

We help you stay one step ahead

Our role is to ensure all your bases are covered and provide you with the information needed to make informed, proactive decisions.

We protect you from yourself

We help you overcome bad money habits, outdated advice, and misconceptions (such as paying off your mortgage early or buying a home as the ultimate investment). Our focus is on intentionality, connecting your goals with a tailored investing and savings strategy to achieve them.

We find opportunities for efficiencies

Many believe smart money management requires constant micromanagement, but that’s not true. Our aim is to simplify your to-do list, not complicate it. We automate as much as possible and show you how to use technology to set yourself up for success.

We care

While the numbers are straightforward, financial planning is often a vulnerable experience. Our guidance goes beyond just the figures; it has the potential to make a meaningful impact on your overall well-being.